Friday 3 February 2012

Climbing Catch up...

Friday 27th January Session

I headed down to craggy2 in the hope of trying the new problems but unfortunately the main comp room was closed off and the room that was open was half closed due to setting for a climbing comp the next day. I had a short 1hour session and basically tried to throw laps on problems to try and get pumped out.

Saturday 28th January Session

I had a session after work which was meant to be a power endurance session, but with the new boulder problems being up I decided to try them instead. I also climbed with my friend and we decided to make up a lot of problems that were probably in the v7-v9 range. The hardest one involved a large shoulder pressing gaston move, which is yet to be done. I must try this again this weekend. I was suffering from sore finger tips/nail beds again though.

Tuesday 31st January

I was route setting all day on Tuesday, so didn't get much climbing in. Plus we had a power cut at the centre which wasn't great! We were praying the impact batteries would last until the power came back or we'd be down to T-bar setting... I ended up setting 3 traverses, probably graded at 5+, 6a and 7a. I also jumped in and added a v5 problem to the 40' board which was cool, it ended up being a wide powerful pinch/crimp problem. Just my style!

Wednesday 1st February Session

I headed to Craggy2 for the evening with the hope of finally trying all the new problems. Generally the new problems seemed good, although there was a lot of pinch style problems which are not my style, but it will definitely help for improving. I tried the font7c+ which is a problem of all slopey holds and wide moves, it's a very good problem, but will need a lot of work! I can get about half way at the moment after one session. So we shall see. Unfortunately my session ended sooner than I wanted due to my nail bed bleeding again!

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