Tuesday, 13 December 2011

13/12/11 Session

Well I had a few days off due to work commitments, but I came back today and had a good session. I did the following at the climbing wall:

60 minute bouldering session climbing grades ranging from v0 - v6

Campus - 1-3-5-7-9-11 and reverse on all 3 sets of rungs. (This is surprisingly easy now, and I barely get pumped).

1-3-2-4-3-5-4-6-8-7-8 on the largest rungs, and medium rungs (I managed to bang my knee if I attempted to go higher)

Campus - 1-3-5-7-9-11 and reverse on all 3 sets of rungs.

I've also got a physio booked for Thursday for my back so hopefully I should see if there is damage, and if so work out how to fix it.

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